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You'll Alwaes Be A Part Of Me
And I'm A Part Of U Indefinitely
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Sunday, September 02, 2007
12:11 PM
Hmmm....feeling very bored, and well a little upset..i dunnoe...i juz donnoe who to talk to...guess writing here will atleast release all those stressness and tension tat i had in my mind right now..
I'm not sure whether i shud feel regret or not, well it's juz tat i dun feel exactly me or feel complete...i dun noe wat i'm talking bout...haiz..well now i'm missing someone...real badly...neva seen him 4 almost 2-3 weeks..
Well i really dun felt like i'm in a relationship now..i dunnoe whether i shud regret patching up with him back...haiz, i'm really trying to be happy and be like the old times, but it's hard when he himself juz won't bother so much.. said tat he wud change, but all i see is tat he's changing from bad to worse!!! and it's making me heart pain..sometimes i felt like he took me 4 granted, never really bother about wat i felt, and dunnoe how to make me happy or smile...
I guess if i were to tell my frens bout tiz, well they will sigh...like wat i have been doing all thses while..my love life juz suckz...badly...
i'm trying not to make tat bother me, but its tough to juz not tink bout it...wen i see all those couples happily together, i juz felt like crying and watched them together...how i wish i were in tat position. But i noe all relationship dosn't go smoothly, there's alwaes the ups and downs yah...
But mine it's like a drama...it's like pple tend to see us alwaes happy and all tat, but they dun noe wat i have gone through all these while..especially being very patient..
Well....so much 4 my "happy ending"...


Always Be My Baby - Mariah Carey